New paper published with Dr. Amy Frazier and Dr. Peter Kedron! We find the percentage of area protected can be a viable proxy for many more complicated structural connectivity metrics in global target reporting, creating easier pathways for monitoring.The paper is open access in Ecological Indicators with code available on GitHub. Information of metric equations and interpretations also available in the supplemental material.
A reflection on my proposal defense, first AGU, and this crazy 2024. EP4
We are hosting a paper session in the annual meeting of the American Association for Geographers (AAG) 2024 titled: "Development and Application of Spatial Models for Human-Environmental Systems to Address Social and or Environmental Challenges". It's part of the Symposium on Geospatial Data Science for Sustainability and we welcome relevant submissions.
A reflection on self growth and trying to develop my dissertation. EP2
I presented my research titled "Measuring spatio-temporal landscape pattern change after a severe flood with Synthetic Aperture
Radar and Machine Learning" at the annual conference of the American Association of Geographers as a Jeanne X. Kasperson student
paper award winner in February, 2022.
A reflection on how I chose my major and developed my research interests. EP1
My friends and labmates and I went to Desert Botanical Garden to participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count organized
by Cornell Ornithology Lab. We spotted many bird species (including a family of Gambel's Quail, many Mourning Doves, and
many others) and also saw a fox and some rabbits.
After 3 years' waiting, I finally changed my first personal website created with R markdown and Ruby into this one
created with html and css.