
"For my first wish, I wish for a thousand wishes!"

Wenxin Yang

General wishlist

Version 0: 01/02/2023 | Version 1: 12/18/2023 | Version 2: 12/15/2024

1. I can develop awesome research!

2. Publish my first first authored paper and work on more cool research with people and individually! [Achieved in December, 2023 :)]

--> Publish more papers and work with people I enjoy working with! [Working on it! December, 2024]

3. Success in grant/fellowship applications. [Turned out I'm not that broke. Adapted on December, 2023] [Received a fellowship for Summer 2024!]

4. COVID GO AWAY. [well]

5. Finalize on my dissertation direction. [Getting there!] [Achieved in December, 2024 TvT]

--> Make these proposed cool research come true!

6. Family and friends, safe and healthy and happy. [I did make more friends in 2023 :)] [And also in 2024!]

New year resolutions for 2024

1. Read more books on 1) ecology & landscape ecology & conservation, 2) deep learning, and 3) for fun.

2. Exercise regularly, preferably at least three times a week.

3. I want to visit Colombia/other places in Central or South America.

4. Don't overcommit. Make good progress on my Dissertation chapters and projects that already started. Need to finish things.

5. I want to submit my Chapter 1 in Spring 2025 and my work on AMPC in Summer 2025.

6. Advance my skill in depth in one type of stats model. Thinking about deep learning right now.

7. Be patient to myself and be kind and empathetic to people.

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New year resolutions for 2023

1. Read more books on 1) theories of ecology & landscape ecology, 2) conservation, 3) and more. [I did try my best to read more books!]

2. Exercise regularly, preferrably daily. [No comment on this one lol]

3. Write more code. Specifically, GEE in python and ML for remote sensing. [More code, yes. On GEE, maybe. In python, maybe. On ML, I tried a lot at least!]

4. Learn Spanish seriously. [I tried harder before Summer :(]

5. Trust people more. Be nice. Be braver. Work hard and don't give up. [Yes I did this!!]

6. Become better at having conversations with people. [I did pretty well on this one too!]